The Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane

Bad Idea
London is a turning into an Expensive Sports Car Showroom for rich Gulfer’s (the Ferrari Modena is a Honda in London) – I guess if you’re a somebody you would be driving an Enzo or a Mercedes McLaren.

On weekdays the weather is beautiful and tortures whoever works indoors
On weekends the weather sucks and tortures whoever’s outside

The picture was taken during lunch hour on a Wednesday.
The guy in the show window of Selfridges department store is an idiot masquerading as an artist. See artsy fartsy.

welcome back, anything else aside from the complaining? where are the fun stories?!
No just complaining...the trip sucked big time...and it was toped off by being forced to fly Kuwait Airways.
you're still lucky! mom had to take Egypt air once, seriously.. Kuwait Airways was an idea of joy then.. could have been worse.
You’re right….one should always look at the bright side of life.
Maybe it sucked cz I wasn't there ;P
Thats right NuNu
Thanks Tequila
London sucked because it was a business trip.
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