Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Kuwaiti Queen (Updated)

I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.

Lloyd Bentsen (1921 - )
U.S. politician.

Replying to Dan Quayle's claim, in a television debate, that he had as much experience of Congress as Kennedy did on accession to the presidency.

Why, you ask, the Dan Quayle example?

The answer is he ain’t no عبدالعزيز النمش الله يرحمة

The other thing is this next picture which actually belongs in my previous post and might or might not have anything to do with the subject above… but its too good to pass!


Shurouq said...

I swear I never laughed this hard in a long time..

lol you're genius

but damn your blog moves way too fast I can hardly follow :/

Anonymous said...

Im so glad that the best things in life are free (like your blog). Haha!
Keep them rolling, and as shurouq says we cant keep up, but all we have to do is hold on my sista!

heezy said...

Thank you fair ladies, you are too kind!